Getting started with an Ortur 5.5 watt (5500 mW) laser module.
The basic purpose of this post is to check, inspect the Ortur laser module.
Our website visitors complaint about Ortur lasers

General view of the Ortur 5500 mw (5.5 watt) laser head.
Ortur laser size
The controller board Ortur 2 board.
Connector on the laser (pinouts) module.
Connection to laser (12V without PWM).
5 – 12V power connected, PWM disabled, laser constantly working.
We connect the PWM and GND wires through a 680 Ohm resistor
Supplying 12V to the laser without PWN. The laser does not work now.
Our power regulator (dynamy PWM)
A device for dynamically changing laser power by Endurance lasers
Dynamic PWM (block pinouts).
Connection of the laser to the regulator. The regulator and laser must be connected to the same power supply.
Only PWM wire is connected, GND is common.
Turning on the laser at 10% power
Turning on the laser at 100% power
Measuring the voltage and current on the diode. Voltmeter on the left, ammeter on the right
4.24V 3.58A ~ 15 watt total power consumption
Measuring of the optical laser power using a calorimeter
Shows 5.1-5.2 watt (which is acceptable)
effectiveness ~ 32-33%.
Snapshot of the spot in focus through a microscope through a green filter. Distance from lens body to focusing plate 29mm (1.2”), power 8%
The attached ruler from the same distance
A shot of the spot in focus through a camera with a green filter. ISO 400, Aperture 5.6, Shutter 1/100
A shot of the spot in focus through a camera with a green filter. ISO 400, Aperture 5.6, Shutter 0.3
A snapshot of a spot out of focus. Distance from lens barrel 1m (3,3′), power 40%, ISO 400, aperture 16, shutter speed 1/1000
The same place so that the rulers are visible
A problem with an Ortur laser
The fundamental problem with an Ortur 5500 mw (5.5 watt) laser head PWM. PWD does not work properly with duty ratio less than 25% which will not allow making a nice photo engraving with the Ortur LM2 basic laser.
Ortur laser review
Air nozzle ver 2.0 on Ortur laser
Testing of an Ortur diode blue 5500 mw (5.5 watt) laser module