Metal engraving/marking without any chemicals and engraving paste.
Metal engraving is a very easy process when you have a powerful and versatile laser. You will be able to engrave with precision on all kinds of metal surfaces with your Endurance laser.
Before starting any laser cutting or laser engraving, goggles should always be worn. The goggles provided will protect your eyes from any risk such as a reflection or damage from accidental contact with the eye. This can be serious to your eye and lead to long-term damage.
An enclosure is very important.
It is also important to use an enclosure, especially if you are using a special paste. The paste can react to the laser and make it smell or release substances into the air.
Good ventilation will also help greatly with controlling and reducing the odor coming from the laser.
Before you begin, you should always check your focus and assure it is well set and ready with the appropriate focal range for your laser. This is always important for metal engraving in order to mark or etch the material.
The best lens to use is a g2 lens because of the smaller spot size on the surface of the material. This short focal lens is perfect of engraving and provides efficient and powerful marking on metal. The g2 lens reflects a lot of light and it is another reason to always wear your goggles.
An Endurance laser lens pack + laser fixation ring & laser focusing ring
The metal engraving process is made without any chemicals. This method of engraving is much easier more efficient, and safe from harmful vapors that may fill the air. If you are using a special paste, try to use it within an enclosure safely. You have the option of using chemical paints such as Dry Moly paint when engraving on different metals.
An 8W and 10W Endurance laser is powerful enough with the capability of engraving various types of metal. You can engrave on metals such as copper, brass, aluminum, stainless steel, steel, and other alloys. You will be able to experiment with different speed parameters to get different results.
Endurance lasers are a portable metal engraving solution system that can engrave on metal because unlike other laser diodes.
Take a look at the video demonstrations below that show metal engraving with Endurance lasers using 30W, 10W, 10W+ and 8W. This includes both with and without special metal marking sprays and chemicals.
Why choose Endurance Lasers for metal engraving?
Endurance lasers are compact, powerful, and do not cost thousands of dollars. Our lasers are tested to work on all types of metal surfaces, even without special chemicals. Endurance lasers are a more affordable option for metal engraving and creating detailed laser designs. Most laser diodes cannot do this even when they claim they can do on different metal surfaces like soft metal. Other laser diodes are much too weak to engrave on metal, so most laser diode systems cannot put a scratch on metal even if they claim they can.
Industrial grade metal engravers are far bulkier and take up more physical space just to engrave on metal. Endurance is more portable and lightweight.
With Endurance, laser engraving on metal surfaces is achievable with very high precision and power
Learn more about color metal engraving >>>
A lot of video tutorials are presented on this page below