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Endurance demo footages: laser cutting / laser engraving experiments

An Endurance lasers lab video library. Learn what you can do with our lasers. Some extra video footage with robots.

Endurance demo video for lasers and engraving machines


An Endurance promo video


Endurance demo footages: laser cutting / laser engraving experimentsEndurance demo footages: laser cutting / laser engraving experiments

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Endurance lasers video full playlists


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Endurance laser VR robot in action.

Test and experiments

laser cutting and laser engraving.

How to connect and run the laser

All you need to know about how to connect and wire our lasers to CNC frame, 3D printer or engraving machine.

How to prepare images and g-codes

How to use an Inkscape and Endurance lasers / J Tech photonics plugins.


Some funny and quite useful videos



Promo video for 2.1W (2100 mW) diode laser

A semiconductor (diode) Endurance laser in action.

A comparative test of a 2.1W Endurance L-Cheapo laser and a 2W semiconductor laser from the Chinese manufacturer is presented. The Chinese laser failed to burn a cardboard 5 mm thick with 3 passes of the laser beam. The results of the test clearly show that the characteristics of the Chinese laser do not correspond to the declared output power of 2 W.


Promo video for 3.5W (3500 mW) diode laser

The 3.5 W Endurance L-Cheapo laser in action. Engraving of the emblem on a wooden sample.



Laser engravings and laser-cut examples on our YouTube channel

Promo video for 5.6W (5600 mW) diode laser

Full demo of 5.6W laser abilities

Promo video for 8W (8000 mW) diode laser

The 8 W semiconductor (diode) laser in action. The laser cut a plywood sample 4 mm thick with one pass of the beam. The laser performance has doubled in comparison with the test results of the 5.6 W diode laser.

Promo video for Endurance DIY engraving machine

Laser engraving with a 2.1 W semiconductor (diode) Endurance L-Cheapo laser.

DIY engraving machine

Promo video for Endurance Wanhao combo: 3D printer + laser engraving and laser cutting machine

What you can do with 2.1W (2100 mW) and 3.5W (3500 mW) diode laser
What you can do with 5.6W (5600 mW) and 8W (8000 mW) diode laser
What you can do with Endurance DIY engraving machine

Demonstration of the laser engraving on a metallic surface. A piece of aluminum painted black is chosen as a sample.

You may do this with Endurance Wanhao combo: 3D printer + laser engraving and laser cutting machine

Guidance and tutorials:
Make your own PCB using Endurance lasers

Aluminum etching
How to make a nice engraving
How to run a GRBL software
CNCC LasexAxe demo

Advanced solution for laser engraving CNCC Laseraxe software. How to use the software. Tutorial and guidance.

How to connect a more powerful laser on a DIY platform. Lifehack!
How to use CNCC LaserAxe software
CNCC Laseraxe software. How to use the software. Tutorial and guidance.
How to do a laser print on the leather belt using 8W Endurance laser
How to laser engraving on a piece of synthetic stone using 8W Endurance laser
How to engrave on transparent acrylic
Laser grayscale lifehack. How to do it
Engraving on a piece of glass using 8W Endurance laser
Laser cutting of 8 mm 1/3’’ black acrylic using 8W Endurance laser
Laser engraving using 8W Endurance laser on anodized aluminum



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