Color laser engraving on titanium with 355 nm DPSS UV Endurance laser machine.
IN our experiment it is necessary to obtain different colors of engraving on titanium.
Used Endurance 3W 355nm laser with Galvo installed for engraving An RC 7110 scanner with a lens installed, having a focal length of 160 mm, a wavelength of 355 nm, a working area of 110 mm by 110 mm. The work was carried out on a titanium sheet with a polished surface.
1/3/5/12 watt UV 355 nm DPSS laser modules for engraving, marking and research
The engraving was carried out in the form of a square 7 mm by 7 mm. The height of the table was 10.5 cm. Color laser engraving is obtained by creating an oxide layer on a metal surface that refracts light.
Endurance 3 watt UV (355 nm) laser module
White color received the number of requests with the number of requests: 1 time, speed 500mm/s, frequency 20KHz, Q Pulse Width 5 μs , space between lines 0.05 mm.
The brown color turned out with a set of parameters: a number of repetitions 1 time, speed 300 mm / s, frequency 35 KHz, Q Pulse Width 5 μs, space between lines 0.01 mm.
Blue color received a number of requests with parameters: 2 times, speed 80 mm/s, frequency 20 KHz, Q Pulse. Width 7 μs , space between lines 0.005 mm.
The purple color turned out with the properties of the parameters: the number of repetitions is 20 times, the speed is 250 mm / s, the frequency is 20 kHz, Q Pulse Width 7 μs, space between lines 0.08 mm.
The yellow color turned out with requests: the parameter of the number of repetitions is 1 time, the speed is 75 mm / s, the frequency is 67 KHz, Q Pulse Width 5 μs , space between lines 0.03 mm.
The blue color turned out with the addition of parameters: number of repetitions 3 times, speed 33 mm / s, frequency 33 KHz, Q Pulse Width 5 μs , space between lines 0.01 mm.
The dark blue color turned out with the parameters: number of repetitions 3 times, speed 450 mm / s, frequency 20 KHz, Q Pulse Width 2 μs , space between lines 0.0007 mm.
The brown color turned out with a set of parameters: number of repetitions 3 times, speed 450 mm / s, frequency 20 KHz, Q Pulse Width 2 μs , space between lines 0.0066 mm.
The turquoise color turned out with the following parameters: number of repetitions 3 times, speed 450 mm / s, frequency 20 KHz, Q Pulse Width 2 μs , space between lines 0.0036 mm.
The dark green color turned out with the following parameters: number of repetitions 3 times, speed 450 mm/s, frequency 20 KHz, Q Pulse Width 2 μs , space between lines 0.0025 mm.
The red-blue color turned out with the following parameters: number of times 1, speed 200 mm / s, frequency 70 KHz, Q Pulse Width 4 μs , space between lines 0.0013 mm.
Black color received the number of requests with a set of parameters: 1 time, speed 200 mm/s, frequency 70 kHz, Q Pulse . Width 4 μs , space between lines 0.0007 mm.
The sand color turned out with the addition of parameters: a number of repetitions 1 time, speed 500 mm / s, frequency 35 kHz, Q Pulse Width 7 μs , space between lines 0.007 mm.
The orange color turned out with a set of parameters: number of repetitions 1 time, speed 500 mm / s, frequency 35 kHz, Q Pulse Width 3 μs , space between lines 0.007 mm.
With the Endurance 3 watt, 355 nm laser, you can engrave color engraving on titanium with colors: found, yellow, green, blue, brown, black and their various shades. It is possible to make color pictures on titanium. Color laser engraving is obtained by creating an oxide layer on a metal surface that refracts light. With portrait adjustment, you can change the thickness of the layer, thus changing the color of the picture. The titanium plate can contain different chemicals that can be used for the same settings.
During our work, the following colors were achieved:
Ochre color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 3 times • Speed – 400 mm/s • Frequency – 100 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.006 mm.

Yellow-blue color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 1 time • Speed – 400 mm/s • Frequency – 90 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.006 mm.

Blue color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 2 times • Speed – 200 mm/s • Frequency – 70 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.0007 mm.

Yellow color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 3 times • Speed – 400 mm/s • Frequency – 100 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.006 mm.

Sky blue color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 3 times • Speed – 400 mm/s • Frequency – 120 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.0024 mm.

Petrol color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 3 times • Speed – 350 mm/s • Frequency – 120 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.004 mm.

Sky blue indigo color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 3 times • Speed – 400 mm/s • Frequency – 80 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.003 mm.

Dark blue-violet color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 3 times • Speed – 400 mm/s • Frequency – 80 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.003 mm.

Glossy color was obtained with the following parameters: • Repetitions – 2 times • Speed – 400 mm/s • Frequency – 120 kHz • Q Pulse Width – 1 μs • Distance between lines of square filling – 0.006 mm.

The second task was to apply a design onto a titanium plate using a 355 nm 3 W JPT seal-355 laser. To achieve this, the vector image was processed in Adobe Illustrator and separated into layers.

In the EzCad software, we assigned the color parameters for each layer as described above. In total, nine colors were used for the design application, as mentioned earlier.
The colors displayed in the software do not correspond to those used in the actual engraving process; they are only used to designate the layers.
The final result appears as follows:

The conducted work demonstrates that using the 355 nm 3 W JPT seal-355 laser, it is possible to achieve colors on titanium and create colorful designs on it.