We present a full list of powerful single diodes (multi-mode) with 1 watt (1000 mW) + optical power.
Nichia NDB7A75
Full data specs for Nichia NDB7A75
Nichia NDG7575
Full data specs for Nichia NDG7575 520nm 1w
1 watt green (520 nm) Nichia NDG7575 laser module
Mitsubishi ML562G84
Osram PLTB450B
Full data specs for Osram PLTB450B 450nm 1.6w
Sharp GH04C01A2G
Sharp GH04C01A2G 450nm 1.6w 5.6mm
Nichia NDB7675
Full data specs for Nichia NDB7675 462nm 1.4w 9mm
Nichia NDB7875
Full data specs for Nichia NDB7875 450nm 1.6w 9mm
Ushio HL63283HD and HL63290HD
Full data specs for Ushio HL63283HD and HL63290HD
Mitsubishi ML562G84
Full data specs for Mitsubishi ML562H84
Full data specs for Mitsubishi ML562H84(with lens) 638nm 2.5w 9mm
Nichia NUBM44/47

Keep in mind that there are many multi diodes systems as they called laser diode arrays that could have higher power and they are mostly fiber-coupled but they are more difficult to focus
For example – NUV103E by NICHIA
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A list of powerful laser diodes with 1 watt+ (1000+ mW) optical power