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The laser does not work
Please, check the power adapter’s (voltage & current) performance. Connect the TTL wire to the 12V+ to test if the laser is working. It should work full power. Watch this video.
The laser works full power but the laser power cannot be changed
Please check the g-code parameters (S / L) used for the pin to change the power. Either your PWM does not change the duty ratio or the contact of any of the laser connectors (if you run without TTL) is broken. Check with the voltmeter and ammeter if the voltage on this pin changes. Watch a video about TTL signal. Arduino with TTL.
I did everything as described but the laser does not work
We need to see a detailed photo and video of what you have done to help you with further steps.
Sometimes 13N10 or LM338 die and need to be replaced. We will guide you how to do that.
Endurance MO1 PCB does not work
The Endurance MO1 PCB is a quite a simple circuit and works pretty stable, however, there is a simple way to check it out. (described on this page + video guidance)
How do I find a proper pin to connect the laser?
We provide an ultimate guidance and tutorials. The laser is usually connected to the fan output on 3D printers or spindle output on CNC machines or can be connected to any other pin that is controllable, such as: D11 on the Arduino Nano. Detailed pinouts you may find here.
The laser lost its power.
The probability that this might happen is 5%. It might happen due to overheating. Avoid the laser diode and laser control board overheating. Check the temperature of the heatsink or laser driver. They must not be VERY hot (if you can touch these elements and hold on – it means that the temperature is less than 70C). If the temperature rises too high we can guide you how to reduce the voltage going to the laser diode and causing the loss of power.
I am trying to cut 3-5mm plywood using the laser, however I still did not manage to cut it with a single pass. Please assist
  1. use a G-2 lens for laser cutting.
  2. setup a perfect focus on a G-2 lens (make sure that focal range is something like 4-8 mm)
  3. make sure that a plywood is very dry (you may use a 3D printer bed to warm it up)
  4. speed parameters should be 50-150 in your g-code
  5. make sure that the plywood is not specially treated with anti-inflammable materials
  6. make sure that the laser runs full power and you have enough power that goes to the laser
  7. make sure that the lens is clean and has no dust on it.

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