Upload your 3D print image Write a title and your full name in square brackets Example: Last supper [St. Paul] […]
An Endurance 3-d Photo Maker Contest (3D Print section)

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Here we tell about all the interesting news regarding Endurance’s R&D, experiments, etc.
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Upload your 3D print image Write a title and your full name in square brackets Example: Last supper [St. Paul] […]
Endurance lasers announce a 3-rd photo maker competition. Sections: 3 sections: 3D Print, CNC Carve, Laser Cut / Engrave. Prizes: […]
Chess Figures In a recent video I made a chessboard out of some white oak. Now everything that was missing […]
All you need to know about how to make a flexible plywood thing using a laser – parameters, settings – […]
Explore an Endurance DPSSL All you need to know ABOUT Nd:YAG 1064 nm impulse laser attachment. Some abilities of […]